NEXT AWAY TIME 22 JULY to 9 AUG, 3 to 17 SEPT.

One NOS Mint size 1 TANNOY lightning badge badges 3LZ 111LZ Chatsworth

Regular price £49.50

One NOS Mint size 1 TANNOY lightning badge,

3LZ 111LZ & Chatsworth.

Qty 1 = one badge.

Need a pair = order 2.

One NOS Mint size 1 TANNOY lightning badge badges 3LZ 111LZ Chatsworth, complete with both pins, dry cool stored, not brittle.


Sorry, price, thats what they sell for !!!

REALLY .. Last few pairs EVER of size 1.

These are Genuine guaranteed original 1970s,

NOT COPIES, NOT FAKES.  I have been supplying these for years.

I bought all the factory stock = these are genuine.

There are 4 sizes of Tannoy badge.
Size 1 = word Tannoy is 34mm, total size 55mm, 2 pins 45mm apart.
Size 2 = word Tannoy is 50mm, total size 79mm, 2 pins 66mm apart.
Size 3 = word Tannoy is 67mm, total size 105mm, 3 pins 45mm apart.
Size 4 = word Tannoy is 83mm, total size 130mm, 3 pins 55mm apart.
(all dimensions approx).